Maria Bello and Dominique Crenn

NCIS actress Maria Bello and her French chef wife, Dominique Crenn have been in love for quite some time now. The two were engaged last February of 2020 and didn’t wait long till they made things official. They have one of the most inspiring LGBT love stories in the world. This couple had been living in different cities and away from each other for a period of time, but still managed to make their relationship strong. Crenn also went through health issues and Bello was a supportive fiancée through it all.

In fact, they even said that this challenge helped bring them closer together. These are the type of investments we love to see when it comes to relationships, right? The couple live a more low-profile life and barely post on social media, but with a love and strength like theirs, they don’t really need pictures to prove anything. Their actions speak far louder.
